I was fascinated to read this article in The Guardian. One of the most common themes I’ve encountered with people seeking recovery who have an interest in the creative spheres, or who make their living through creativity, is the fear of creating without using – or rather if they will Continue Reading


This excellent, uplifting article by Maggie Doherty in The Guardian raises some fascinating areas for debate, study and I would even venture – research. The two things that jumped out at me concerned “stigma”, and non-alcoholic drinks. I touched on some thoughts about the stigma surrounding alcoholism in previous posts, Continue Reading

Guilt or “Something is Wrong”

Recently we posted an article, Second Life, by our friend Charlie Harrow. Charlie, a writer, busy on a number of projects. knows his stuff. In between his writing projects he had started developing reflective pieces on his experience with alcohol, alcoholism, recovery and more. This is the second in what Continue Reading


Recently we were talking with a friend, a writer, busy on a number of projects. Charlie Harrow knows his stuff, in between his writing projects he had started developing reflective pieces on his experience with alcohol, alcoholism, recovery and more. He kindly passed these on and so will contribute to Continue Reading

DIGITAL “DIET” – Courses

As promised in a previous post on diet and supplements we are going to look at “digital diet” and online content that supports recovery and change in a number of posts throughout 2020. In Recovery terms I believe our digital “diet”, device use and engagement with screens can be hugely Continue Reading

Should I say (or should you know?)

It seems the biggest obstacle to stopping drinking (or using drugs) is still based in shame and stigma. Broadly the shame appears to be along the line of thinking that suggests if we have a problem we should be able to solve it ourselves, so if we can’t we try Continue Reading

Social media addiction – real or not?

  Dr Gabor Mate defines addiction as “Addiction is manifested in any behaviour that a person craves, finds temporary relief or pleasure in but suffers negative consequences as a result of, and yet has difficulty giving up. In brief: craving, relief, pleasure, suffering, impaired control. Note that this definition is Continue Reading