Through personal experience, many of the Online Recovery Academy team have benefitted from Mindfulness practices. Practices such as Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation have long been anecdotally endorsed as life improving. More formal research over the last 20 years transported anecdotes to the level of academically sound evidence of the extensive benefits of these practices.
The 2012 documentary Free The Mind, which focussed on the work of Dr Richard Davidson, provides an accessible explanation of his scientific research with ADHD and PTSD sufferers using meditation and yoga. The broad acceptance of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques by health providers in many countries continues apace, and many professional addiction treatment providers are embracing it’s ‘cousin’ – Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
If you have established a foundation for your Recovery, a Mindfulness practice could positively enhance your experience. We were delighted to read this well balanced article from the UK Guardian recently.
Got Recovery? Get Mindful. Try our Mindfulness In Recovery course on Udemy.