Writing Drunk and Sober

Following our post on Reading For Recovery, we thought you might enjoy an old article we had filed away. Writers who drink are old hat. But what about writers who quit drinking? Tom Shone studied them for his excellent 2009 novel ‘In The Rooms…’ Article from INTELLIGENT LIFE Magazine, Summer Continue Reading

Many Paths, One Destination

In our last post we looked at defining Recovery, in this ORA “Observes” Post we would like to share an article from arch-blogger Brooke Feldman. Brooke who openly identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ communities and a person in long-term recovery from a substance use disorder, blogs in her Continue Reading

Defining Recovery (What Are We Talking Here?)

I like knowing what things mean. That can get quite difficult when you start talking addiction and Recovery. Whilst definitions of any word or phrase vary, it is generally accepted, by most dictionaries that Recovery is: re·cov·er·y (rĭ-kŭv′ə-rē)pl. re·cov·er·ies The act, process, duration, or an instance of recovering. A return to a normal or healthy condition.The act of obtaining usable substances from unusable sources. Despite the similarity in all the dictionary definitions those involved in Continue Reading

Sober is the New Sexy (Apparently)

Don’t take our word for it, take a look at this article featured recently in Elle Magazine. In our last post, we talked about the research into the benefits of being in recovery from addiction and alcoholism. This piece takes a slightly different view, looking at long term sobriety as a Continue Reading

Why Online? Why Recovery? Why Now? The Academy Explained

The continued rise of online resources in various fields opens up huge possibilities for all kinds of communication, knowledge and understanding. Online environments offer opportunities for discovery and personal growth in two distinct ways, particularly useful both those in Recovery and those seeking more information. Firstly, online access to information Continue Reading

Want Recovery? Stamp Out Stigma

Shame and stigma block the pathway to Recovery for too many people. Yes, even today (as unbelievable) as it might seem owning up to a drink or drug problem is made harder by the stigma still so prevalent in our “enlightened” society. Asking for help, to detox, for rehab treatment, Continue Reading

All About Recovery – How I stopped drinking and recovery started working:

After 30 years of continuous drinking and drug use I got sober. I spent the last of the little money I had on four months of residential treatment. The only reason I took that path was because a dear friend, who had been given 6 months to live (at the Continue Reading