“Alcohol is a big element of our social interactions (in the UK at least) so not drinking, or stopping drinking, is normally met with criticism or mockery, which we want to avoid, even at a subconscious level. It can be extremely powerful, this social influence. If you’re allergic to alcohol, you’ve likely been pressured to have a drink anyway because “just one won’t hurt”, when it literally will. Clearly.”
Catching up with current articles about drinking, alcohol and alcoholism we came across this article from the UK’s Guardian.
This is a well written and thoughtful article about alcohol, the UK’s drinking culture – the social pressure to drink and how drinking, drunkenness and hangovers can be acceptable, even if occasionally reasoned away, despite some serious consequences.
If recovery is a new way of life, it is easy to understand both from this article and the comments below it how choosing a sober life style can be quite a challenge.
The assumption from many of the comments seem to be if an individual chooses not to drink they are suddenly judging every one who does. There are certainly those that do, but, there are plenty who don’t.
Our view is that it is a personal choice to drink, or to stop (or cut down if you wish). If drinking has caused damage and consequences it might be a good idea to try and correct these.
If stopping is too hard, then ask for help. There are many ways to stop drinking (or using drugs), there are lots of ways to live sober, different people try different ways and go with what works.
The foundation for a good recovery might be found through a 12 Step approach, Lifering, SMART, yoga Refuge Recovery or any other number of routes.
Being honest and open about getting sober reduces social pressure to drink and can only help shift the relationship our culture has with alcohol.