If you are new to recovery, the question of how to stay sober at Christmas can seem overwhelming. We all need help and support to at any time of the year. In the “party season” life can provide enough connection for the most committed extrovert and more than plenty for life’s quieter souls. It is a challenging time to stay sober. We all need suggestions, tips or guidance when it comes to choosing a sober lifestyle. The benefit of the experience of others helps with the commitment to staying sober, making plans to stay aware and stay sober seems to be universal to that experience. As Helaina Hovitz says in this helpful article,
“The first 90 days of sobriety are, of course, the hardest, and the holidays are the time of year when the child in all of us feels the most temptation to overindulge in, well, just about everything. Plus, temptation is everywhere.”
If the method of recovery you practice has support groups – like 12 Step, Lifering, SMART, Refuge, Women For Sobriety or faith related options – opportunities to connect with others with a shared goal are useful. Those with some recovery experience will fully endorse the ideas in this article. If you have decided to quit drinking (or drugs) and find your own way Helaina’s suggestions can only help.
Helaina’s article first appeared on the popular website Bustle, welcome evidence that the idea of choosing a sober lifestyle, whether permanently or for a specified period, is becoming increasingly mainstream. This growth of a lifestyle change culture can only be a good thing for those in recovery from addiction or those who just want to change their relationship to alcohol (and drugs).
Make a commitment to change, make a plan, above all let people know your intentions and motivation. You will be amazed by the support you get.