A great many creatives fear recovery from addiction might mean an end to their artistic achievements. Alcoholism and addiction have been see by many as the creative curse. That said alcoholic writers probably write (or wrote) just as well sober as drunk, and as South African playwright Continue Reading

Many Paths, One Destination

In our last post we looked at defining Recovery, in this ORA “Observes” Post we would like to share an article from arch-blogger Brooke Feldman. Brooke who openly identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ communities and a person in long-term recovery from a substance use disorder, blogs in her Continue Reading

Want Recovery? Stamp Out Stigma

Shame and stigma block the pathway to Recovery for too many people. Yes, even today (as unbelievable) as it might seem owning up to a drink or drug problem is made harder by the stigma still so prevalent in our “enlightened” society. Asking for help, to detox, for rehab treatment, Continue Reading